Phil 112 History of Philosophy: Late Modern                          Paper Topic #1

Explain (i.e., reconstruct) as clearly as possible Kant's first argument for why our representation of space is a priori, not empirical (labeled "1)" at B38 [pp. 174-75]). Then explain (i.e., reconstruct) as clearly as possible Kant's first argument (labeled "3)" at B 39 [p. 175]) for why our representation of space is an intuition, not a concept. Your paper should be purely expository in nature and thus should not present any explicit critical evaluation.

(Advice: Be sure to give serious thought to what exactly the premises are and the precise steps by which the argument proceeds.)

Bring a hard copy of the paper to class, to turn in, and submit an electronic copy to, using the following information. Your class ID is "5030462" and enrollment password is "Kant-Hegel".

Length: 4-5 pages

Due Date: Tuesday, April 10 at 9:30am