Phil 112 History of Philosophy: Late Modern                                Paper Topic #2


In the latter part (pp. 52-57, esp. sections 81-85) of the Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel first raises and then attempts to solve a problem that displays significant similarities to a problem that Roderick Chisholm has called "The Problem of the Criterion".  Explain clearly the problem that Hegel is raising, describe exactly how it relates to the "problem of the criterion" that Chisholm lays out, and then present a detailed account of how Hegel attempts to solve the problem. (For example, is Hegel what one might call a "methodist" [i.e., one who thinks that there's a source or method that one can use to figure out what cases of knowledge one can have] or what one might call a "particularist" [i.e., one who thinks that we should start with common sense cases of knowledge and use that to figure out a criterion] or a skeptic? For whatever answer you give, you need to explain exactly how he thinks that his position resolves the problem.) Your paper should be purely expository in nature and should not take a stand on whether Hegel's account is or is not adequate (though you should reconstruct what you take Hegel's strongest position to be).


(Note: What is relevant to the paper topic is the problem Chisholm lays out, not the solution that he favors. For that reason, you should focus only on the beginning pages of  Chisholm's "The Problem of the Criterion".)


Length: 4-5 pages

Due Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2012 at 9:30 am.


Bring a hard copy of the paper to class, to turn in, and submit an electronic copy to, using the following information: Class ID is 12397969. The enrollment password is "KantHegel".