I Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy
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OSEMP welcomes submissions on any figure or topic pertaining to philosophy in the period spanning the late-sixteenth century through the end of the eighteenth century. Papers on Kant will be considered only if they are primarily concerned with Kant’s relations to earlier seventeenth or eighteenth-century figures.

Submissions should be anonymized for reviewing, with any remarks or references that would reveal an author's identity removed. Submitted essays must not be under review elsewhere and should not exceed 15,000 words (including notes) without prior approval of the editor. We prefer that submissions be in MS-Word (either Macintosh or PC version) or RTF format. Diagrams and illustrations may be submitted either as computer files or in hard copy. The editor should be alerted if there are any special requirements with respect to characters or fonts. With initial submissions, it is not necessary that OSEMP style be followed. Wherever possible, references should be built into the text; notes may appear either as footnotes or as endnotes.

Articles may be submitted at any time of year, by email attachment to: osempsubmit@gmail.com. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by email.

All submissions will be subject to anonymous (double-blind) peer review. We aim to have a final decision on papers within six months of the initial submission.